Inglês – Lição 28 – Tag Questions


É a pergunta que aparece após uma sentença ou declaração. O objetivo de uma tag question é confirmar a declaração em conversas informais. A estrutura é bem simples:

» se a sentença for afirmativa, a tag question assumirá uma forma interrogativa – negativa, com o verbo auxiliar na forma contracta.

Ex: you study in a modern school, don’y you?

She speak English, doesn’t she?

» se a sentença for negativa, ocorre algumas mudanças. A tag question terá somente uma estrutura interrogativa.

Ex: they didn’t live in Europe, did they?

Susie won’t explain it, will she?

» se na sentença tiver um modal verb ( may, can, could,should, must) estes mesmos verbos vão para as tag questions.

Ex: she can speak with you, can’t she?

He could understand the teacher, couldn’t he?


Special cases:

I am = aren’t

Ex: I am right, aren’t?

There is = isn’t

There are= aren’t

Ex: there’s something here, isn’t there?


With let’s:

Let’s go, shall we?



1) complete with the correct tag questions:

a) you couldn’t write at a small desk, ____________?

b) She could use gestures to describe an animal, _____________?

c) Children shodn’t play with plastic toys,______________?

d) John was tall, _____________?

e) It doesn’t rain very often in Miami, _____________?

f) The students didn’t like that teacher,_____________?

g) My bicycle is pink,__________?

h) My brothers like to travel, ___________?

i) Let’s see what happened,____________?

j) I can’t see what you do, _____________?

k) let’s  come out tomorrow morning, ____________?


2) ask questions using tag questions:

a) _____________________________________________________

yes, I can go to downtown with me this afternoon.


b) _____________________________________________________

no, he don’t use gestures to describe what he wants.


c) _____________________________________________________

yes, she could speak with him.


d) _____________________________________________________

yes, my family will travel next month.


e) _____________________________________________________

yes, I like to read magazines.


f) _____________________________________________________

no, my father don’t smoke.


Text – the Bible

Do you know what the Bible contains?the Bible, a Holy book. Many people has one at house. But , have you ever read any Bible? What do you know about this important book? The Bible contains 66 books in two sections, usually called the Old Testament  and the  New Testament. 39 bible books were written in Hebrew and 27 in Greek. The old testament , or, hebrew scriptures explains about creation, as well as the first 3,500 years of human history. Because in this part, we learn about God’s dealings with the israelites.

In the new testament, or , greek scriptures, explains about the teachings and activities os Jesus Christ and his disciples during the first century A.D.


Activity about the text

1) how many books have the Bible?





2) what do the old testament, or, hebrew scripltures contain?





3) what do the new testament, or greek scriptures contain?





4) do you like to read the Bible? Why?






To contain= conter, ter, incluir

To borrow= pegar emprestado

To lend= emprestar



Bible= Bíblia

Hebrew= hebraico

Greek= grego


Dealings= tratos, procedimentos

Century= século

Wooden= madeira

Leather= couro

Raincoat= capa de chuva

Woolen= de lã

Tissue= lenço de papel



Just as sure= com certeza

At least= pelo menos

To come out= sair

To be free from= estar livre de



1) translation:

a) do you lend me your raincoat?



b) at least, I have tissue with me!



c) you borrewed a woolen blouse from  your sister.



d) I like to read the Bible every day.



e) do you speak greek?



f) I didn’t read this book, because I don’t read hebrew.



g) Ane will buy a new raincoat for her mother.





a) could you

b) couldn’t she

c) should they

d) wasn’t he

e) does it

f) did they

g) isn’t it

h) don’t they

i) shall we

j) can I

k) shall we



a)  you can go downtown with me this afternoon, can’t you?

b) he doesn’t use gestures to describe what he wants, does he?

c)  She could speak with him, couldn’t she?

d) Your family will travel next month, won’t they?

e)  You like to read magazines, don’t you?

f) Your father doesn’t smoke , does he?


Activity II

1) the bible has  66 books.

2) The old testament , or, hebrew scriptures has 39 books and explains about creation, as well as the first 3,500 years of human history. Because in this part, we learn about God’s dealings with the israelites.

3)  In the new testament, or , greek scriptures,  has 27 books and explains about the teachings and activities os Jesus Christ and his disciples during the first century A.D.

4)  I like to read the bible every night.


Activity – III

a) você me empresta sua capa de chuva?

b) Pelo menos, eu tenho lenço de papel comigo!

c) Você pegou emprestado uma blusa de lã de sua irmã.

d) Eu gosto de ler a Bíblia todo dia.

e) Você fala grego?

f) Eu não li este livro porque eu não sei hebraico.

g) Ane comprará uma nova capa de chuva para mãe dela.



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