Inglês – Lição 21 – Interrogative pronouns


Do you like  to do questions? Everybody do it. Now, you will see: how to do question and what are interrogative pronouns?.

Take a look:



Interrogative pronouns:

What qual, quais, o que.

EX:  what is your name?

What about=  que tal…

EX: what about going to the movies?


What… like? = para perguntar sobre a aparência física, geográfica ou psicológica de algo, alguém ou lugar.

EX: what is Amazonas like?

What is your boyfriend like?


Which=  similar a what, mas é usado em situações de escolha entre dois ou mais objetos ou situações.

EX: which  is her favorite ice cream : chocolate or fruits?

Which  is more beautiful: my brother or my cousin?


Whom= quem. É importante o uso após uma preposição. É usado como objeto de uma oração.

EX: with whom was he talking?

Mas se a preposição vier no final da frase, pode ser usado tanto o  who quanto  o whom:

EX: whom was she talking with?

Who was she talking with?


Who= quem.

Este é usado como sujeito de uma oração. Neste ponto onde aparece a diferença entrewho e whom. Um é sujeito o outro o objeto.

EX: who are they?

Who is she?


Whose= de quem.

EX: whose is this wallet? / whose wallet is this?

Whose is taht book?/ whose book is that?

NOTE: o verbo auxiliar de interrogação não precisa ser usado quando os sujeitos da oração forem os pronomes: what, which, who e whose.

EX: what is your address?

Who is your sister?

Which is more difficult English or Espanish?

Whose is this old magazine?




1)- use the interrogative pronouns to the answers below:

A) _____________________________________________

– she is my English teacher.


B) _____________________________________________

– my brother is an intelligent student.


C) _____________________________________________

– yes, to  fish it’s a good idea!


D) _____________________________________________

– that green car is mine.


E) _____________________________________________

– I think that you need to use a pants, not a dress.


F) _____________________________________________

– the correct alternative is A.


2) translation:

A) quem é você?



B) qual sua profissão?



C)de onde você é?



D) de quem é este cachorro?



E) quem chegou esta manhã?



F) que tal viajarmos na próxima semana?





O caso genitivo aparece quando é necessário indicar posse. É formado em duas situações:

» se o substantivo não terminar em s. então no possessivo será acrescentado ‘s.

EX:  toy of the girl= girl’s toy

Book of the teacher= teacher’s book

» se o substantivo terminar em s. neste caso no possessivo será acrescentado apenas o ‘.

EX: the girls’ book

O caso genitivo é usado para pessoas ou animais.

The toy of Jane= jane’s toy



Existe algumas “regrinhas” importantes a serem observadas:

» nomes próprios se :

a) terminadas em s, acrescentar-se ‘s.

» se houver mais de um possuidor:

a) e o objeto possuído for comum a todos eles, acrescentar-se ‘S somente no ultimo possuidor.

EX: John and Peter’s ball.

b) se cada um tiver seu próprio objeto, então a terminação do genitivo fica para cada um.

EX: John ‘s and Peter’s balls.



1. use the genitive case, if it necessary:

a) the Bob_______ toys are in the box.

b) I need to use the my father _____ car.

c) My sister _____ and my brother_____ bicycles are green.

d) We saw Smith ___house yesterday. I didn’t like it.


2. rewrite the sentences, but use the genitive case:

a) I am read the magazine of julie now.



b) she wnts to go to the office of the doctor today.



c) my brother wants to drive the car of my father.




To wear= usar, vestir

To live= morar,viver

To discover= descobrir




Necktie= gravata

Sovk= meias

Pajamas= pijamas

Belt= cinto

Overcout= sobre-tudo

Clothes= roupas

Skirt= saia

Shirt= camisa

Blouse= blusa

Dress= vestido

Stockings= meia-calça

Panties= calcinha




To be longing for= estar com saudade de

To be sure= estar certo

Be able to= ser capaz de

Think of/ about= pensar em

Shout at= gritar com

Leave for= partir para



1. form sentences with the words below:

a) to wear/ I/ wnat/ pink blouse/ the



b) she/ Dinmark/ leave for/ will/ tomorrow.



c) necktie/ doesn’t/ he/ like.



d) we/ you/ are longing for.



e) shout at/ children/ she/ all day long.




Activity –I


a) who is she?

b) what is your broter like?

c) what about we fish?

d) whose green car is that?/ whose is that green car?

e) which I use: pants or dress?

f) what is the correct alternative?



a) who are you?

b) what is your profession?

c) where are you from?

d) whose is this dog?

e) who arrived this morning?

f) what about we travel next week?


Activity – II


a) ‘s

b) ‘s

c) ‘s/’s




a) I am read the Julie’s magazine now.

b) she weants to go to the doctor’s today.

c) my brother wants to drive my father’s car.


Activity –III


a) I want to wear the pink blouse.

b) she will leave for Dinmark tomorrow.

c) he doesn’t like necktie.

d) we are longing for you.

e) she shout at children all day long.


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