Inglês – Lição 31 – Use of Gerund and Infinitive forms
» após preposições;
como: in, out, along, by, over, through, up,on, around, off, down, away,back, after.
» após alguns verbos e expressões;
ex: do you feel like drinking juice now?
She appreciate living in such a beautiful city.
Have you ever considered living abroad?
Ocorre de duas formas.
» a mais usada : com to.
– após adjetivos, advérbios e substantivos;
– após alguns verbos;
ex: I don’t want to dance now.
( eu não quero dançar agora.)
» sem to:
– após os verbos make e let e também após as palavras except= but. ( no sentido de exceto)
– após modals verbs
ex: I can talk to her.
( eu posso conversar com ela.)
São perguntas feitas após uma declaração. O objetivo é confirmar as declarações feitas.
Ex: you eat fish, don’t you?
She doesn’t like this, does she?
Lembrando que no tempo imperativo a tag question é formada pelo auxiliar will.
São verbos que dão vida, forma, à ação do verbo. Os mais usados são:
Can= poder, conseguir, saber; no sentido de habilidade física, permissão informal, possibilidade.
May= poder; no sentido de possibilidade, permissão( formal).
Must= dever,( deveria), conselho, obrigação moral.
Could = passado de can.
Ex: you can learn English, it’s easy!
( você pode/ consegue aprender inglês, é fácil!)
may I change my opinion?
( posso mudar minha opinião?)
my brother must buy a new car.
( meu irmão deve comprar um novo carro.)
you should put a blouse of woolen. It’s cold.
( você deveria por uma blusa de lã. Está frio.)
Make = fazer; no sentido de fabricar, construir, criar;
Do= fazer; usado em nas outras situações;
Ex: what did you do?
(o que você fez?)
my mother makes delicious cakes and pies.
( minha mãe faz bolos e tortas deliciosas.)
1) complete with gerund or infinitive:
a) where do you feel like ____________( to go ) tonight?
b) My father quit ____________. ( to smoke)
c) Have you ever considered ______________( to save) money this month?
d) We decide _____________( to wait) for ours friends.
e) John tryed ____________(to play) tennis.
f) What kind of song do you appreciate _______________ ( to listen)?
2) use this modals verbs( can, should, could) in this sentences:
Ane: hello, peter, ________ you lend me your notebook?
Peter : Ane, you are my dear friend and I will lend you my notebook. But I think that you __________, but a new notebook or pay attention at the class!
Ane: I know Peter! __________ you help me? And I promise you I will pay attention next class!
3) complete the sentences with the coorect tag questions:
a) you don’t know what her problem, ___________?
b) She could open that door, ____________?
c) Your family will travel to Japan, ____________?
d) Let’s play soccer tonight, ____________?
e) Susie is tired, ____________?
4) read the text and answers:
the Red List
do you like animals? Many people around the world likes them. They are so beautiful, intelligent. But unfortunately, a lot of this animals are entering in a “ Red List”. What is it?
The red list is apublished by the international Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resuorces, an organization that evaluates the condition of endangered species. Look at some species that were entering in this list in the year 2000:
Wandering albatross- this is one of 16 algatross species identified as globally threatened. It is said that significant numbres dorw after being accidentally caught on baited hooks set by longline fishing boats.
Red-shanked douc langur – this little animal is an Asian colobine monkey and is found in south- central Vietnam and parts of Laos. It is threatened by habitat destruction and huntihng. It is hunted for booth food and body parts, which are used as ingredients for traditional medicines.
There are others animals in this sad list. The man need to understand that the web of life is important for all humans, and if we don’t take care of its, we won’t have a good future!
a) what is the “Red List”?
b) where can you find a Red-shanked douc langur?
c) how many species of albatross was identified all the world?
To Appreciate= apreciar
To Consider= considerar,
To Feel like: quer, estar afim de
To publish= publicar
To threaten= ameaçar
Red= vermelho
List= lista
Fishing Boat= barco de pesca
Monkey= macaco
Vietnam= Vietnã
Laos= Laos
Endangered species= espécies em extinção
Bookcase= estante
Shelf= prateleira
Teapot= bule de chá
Saucer= pires
Sky= céu
To be fond of= gostar
To be sorry about= lamentar
Had better= seria melhor
To be over= acabar
Activity –I
a) going
b) smoking
c) to save
d) to wait
e) to play
f) listening
2) could/ should/ can
a) do you
b) couldn’t she
c) won’t they
d) shall we
e) isn’t she