Inglês – Lição 30 – Times Clauses
Estas são orações adverbiais de tempo que aparecem junto a oração principal, que geralmente está no futuro imperativo. São introduzidas por:
After= depois de
As= quando, enquanto
As soon as= assim que, logo que
Before= antes de
By the time= na hora em que
Until= até
Whenever= sempre que
Ex: the will study until he learns the class.
( ele estudará até entender a aula.)
stay here after she góes back.
( fique aqui depois ela volta.)
quando a oração adverbial de tempo vier primeiro, usa-se a vírgula antes da oração principal.
Ex: before your mother arrives, don’t use the fhone.
( antes que sua mãe chegue, não use o telefone .)
whenever she comes, happen something.
( sempre que ela vem, acontece alguma coisa.)
by the time you go movies, call me.
(na hora que você for no cinema, me ligue.)
Make= fazer- geralmente é usado para expressar a idéia de criação, construção e preparação, ou seja, fabricar alguma coisa.
Ex: the boy like to make toy cars.
( o menino gosta de fazer carros de brinquedo.)
Do = fazer – além de ser usado como verbo auxiliar, é também usado no sentido de fazer trabalho, fazer alguma coisa.
Ex: I don’t know what my brother are doing.
( eu não sei o que meu irmão está fazendo.)
what do your father do his job?
1) complete with do or make in the correct tenses:
a) she’s ______________ the bed.
b) My sister loves to _______________chocolate pie.
c) What will they _____________ next Friday?
d) ___________ the dishes, please!
e) Do your mother like to __________pizza?
f) Does Ane have work _________tonight?
g) I didn’t understand why the teacher ___________ that mistake.
h) ___________ exercise is one of your favorite activities.
i) Sometimes my sister __________ me favors.
j) Who _______the dishes now?
What do you think about death?
Scientists do not know why humans grow old and die. It seems that our cells should keep on being renewed and that we should live forever. Humans have yearned for longevity and have even tried to attain immortality. Since the fourth century B.C., drugs supposedly designed to make immortality possible attracted the attention of chinese nobles. Chineses emperors tried so called “ elixirs of life”, but made from mercury, and died.
Around the world, many people believe that death is not the end of their existence. Buddhists,hindus, muslins and others all have bright hopes of a life after death. But the question is: what do you think? Is there life after the death?
Questions about the text:
1) what have scientists been unable to explain about human life?
2) what did happen with any chinese nobles in the fourth century B.C.?
To grow= crescer
To die= morrer
To renew= renovar
To attain= alcançar, atingir, obter
Scientists= cientistas
Cell= célula
Forever= para sempre
Human= humano
Since= desde
Chinese= chinês
Buddhists= budista
Hindu= hindu
Muslim= mulçumano
Longevity= longevidade
Solution= solução
Key chain=chaveiro
Enough= suficiente
Death= morte
To grow old= envelhecer
To take pictures= tirar fotografias
What’s the matter= o que há? Qual é o problema?
Unfortunately= infelizmente
Fortunately= felizmente
1) translation:
a) I have the solution to your problem!
b) my dog was old and died yesterday.
c) we will be friends forever.
d) did you see my key chain?
e) I don’t know to speak chinese.
f) the scientists want to understand the death.
g) my children grew very fast.
h) they didn’t eat enough.
i) every humans want to attain the longenity.
j) Karen loves to take pictures.
k) what’s the matter? Did you see a ghost??
l) unfortunately my cousin don’t know to speak English.
Activity- I
1) a) doing b) make
c) do d) do
e) make f) do
g) made h) doing
i) does j)do
question about the text:
1) Scientists do not know why humans grow old and die. It seems that our cells should keep on being renewed and that we should live forever.
2) They made elixirs of life from mercury, they drank its and died.
Activity – II
a) eu tenho a solução para seu problema.
b) meu cachorro estava velho e morreu ontem.
c) nós sermos amigos para sempre.
d) você viu meu chaveiro?
e) eu não sei falar chinês.
f) os cientistas querem entender a morte.
g) minhas crianças cresceram rápido.
h) eles não comeram suficiente.
i) todos os humanos querem atingir a longevidade.
j) Karen ama tirar fotos.
k) qual é o problema? Você viu um fantasma?
l) infelizmente meu primo não sabe falar inglês.