Inglês – Lição 16 – Present Continuous

Esta unidade mostrará o  uso do present continuous, na forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Além de mostrar quando e qual o objetivo do uso desse tempo verbal.



Quando você pode usar o present continuous?

» ele indica uma ação que está ocorrendo agora, no momento da fala, ou que já está acabando de ocorrer.

Ex: what are you eating now?

Where is  she going now?

I am just  studing english.

Adverbies used: now( agora), at the/ this moment ( neste momento), just logo, em breve, já).

» também pode espressar uma ação presente, atual, que nem sempre pode estar ocorrendo no momento que se menciona ou fala dela.

Ex: are you still living with your parents?

No, I am living with my husband.

» pode também descrever uma situação programada para um futuro próximo. Algo que  já está planejado, mas que ainda ocorrerá.

Ex: she is visiting her parents next week.

They are going to the beach tomorrow.

» Pode indicar ações que sempre se repetem, situações do cotidiano.

Ex: my boyfriend is frequently walking every day.

Adverbs used: always (sempre) aften, frequently,(frequentemente), usually (geralmente).


Como usar o present continuous?



Sujeito + to be + verbo + ing

I am studing now.

I’m studing now.

She is cooking a chocolate cake.



Sujeito + to be + not + verbo + ing

He is not reading his magazine

You aren’t working with your father



To be + sujeito + verbo + ing

Are you studying?

Is he working in the mornig?



1) answer the questions using the present continuous and use the affirmative form:

a) what are you doing now?



b) what is he eating with his sister?



c) where are you going?



d) is she working all day long?



2) pass the sentences to the negative form:

a) I am going to the beach with my family next weekend.



b) she is living with her family in a big city.



c) he is working all day long.



d) they are studying English every week.




Boring: chato

Interesting: interessante

World: mundo

Beach: praia

Downtown: centro da cidade

Store: loja



0= zero / nought

1= one

2= two

3= three

4= four


6= six

7= seven

8= eight

9= nine

10= ten

11= eleven

12= twelve

13= thirteen

14= fourteen

15= fifteen

16= sixteen

17= seventeen

18= eighteen

19= nineteen

20= twenty



50= fifty



80= eighty

90= ninety

100=one hundred

200= two hunderd



Nice to meet you = prazer em conhecer você



1) translate the sentences:


a) eu não estou trabalhando á tarde.



b) eles estão estudando inglês toda manhã.



c) ela está morando com sua irmã.



d) eu não estou gostando de ler este livro.



2) pass the sentences to negative form:


e) he is reading two books for month.



f) I am working for three weeks.



g) my brother has five stores.



h) I has two brothers and we are living together.



i) my mother are cooking two cakes.



3) pass the sentences interrogative form:

a) you are reading this book.



b) they are visiting their relatives.



c) they are living in big house in a small city.



d) she is studying English and Spanish.





1) a) I am reading a book now.

b) they is eating a chocolate cake.

c) I sm going to downtown.

d) yes, she is working all day long.



a) I’m not going to the beach with my family next weekend.

b) She isn’t living with her in a big city.

c) He isn’t working all day long.

d) They aren’t studying English every week.




a) I’m not working in the afternoon

b) They are studying English every morning.

c) She is living with her friend.

d) I’m not liking to read this book.



a) he isn’t reading twwo books.

b) I am not working for three weeks.

c) My brother don’t have five stores.

d) I have two brothers and we aren’t living together.

e) my mother isn;t cooking two cakes.



a) are you reading this book?

b)Are they visiting their relatives?

c) Are they living in a big house in a small city?

d) Is she studying English and Spanish?


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